FYI: Alabama Woman Stuck In NYC Traffic In 1902 Invented The Windshield Wiper (NPR)

The next time you're driving in a rain or snow storm and flick the windshield wiper lever so you can see, thank Mary Anderson.The Alabama woman came up with the idea for windshield wipers while stuck in traffic herself. Although her invention wasn't an immediate hit, as NPR notes, she did live long enough to see them become commonplace in motor vehicles.Our friend Jennifer sent this delightful item our way the other day via Facebook. Thank you, Jennifer (and thank you, Mary)!

Entrepreneur Mary Anderson thought it made no sense that New York streetcar drivers had to keep jumping off to clean snow from the windshield. She soon won a patent for her "window cleaning device."

Source: Windshield Wiper Invented In 1902 By A Woman Who Didn't Drive : NPR


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